Archive for » 2009 «

Thursday, March 05th, 2009

Can You Guess Who He Is?

Born in 1889 the child was weak and frail, and many of the neighborhood kids would make fun of him.

The youngster would often “disappear” into his own imagination, and while his peers were out playing and running around, he would find a secluded spot and dream of things to be.

His father was an alcoholic and was rarely around.  His mother Hannah was a performer and often brought her son to the theater.

As he grew into a young man and became more outgoing, he wondered if his creativity and humor could propel him into a career he loved.  He honed his talents as a musician, actor and comedian by touring with a group known as the Karno Troupe.  He shared a room with Arthur Stanley Jefferson who would later become known as Stan Laurel.

He sometimes had the feeling he could be in two places at once:  both on the stage and in the audience watching himself.  In the dark hours of the night, he felt he could leave his body and travel to distant places, what we now refer to as astral travel.

In 1913, he was discovered by film producer Mack Sennett, who felt the versatile comedian would do well on the big screen.  Quickly learning the craft of film making, he started directing, editing and even composing the music for his own features

After becoming an instant success and known worldwide, he once entered a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like contest and didn’t make the final cut.

Charles Spencer Chaplin, Jr. (Charlie Chaplin) died on Christmas Day, December 25, 1977, the most popular entertainer of his day.

Thursday, February 26th, 2009

“Patton believed in forces that ‘we could neither see, nor explain, nor understand.'”

The famous general, George Patton, believed he had led numerous lives in the past, most of them as warriors.

What most people don’t know is how Patton relied on a close advisor who the General believed had psychic powers.  Patton never revealed the name of his confidant but once relayed this story:

“It was the evening before a particularly critical encounter with the enemy, and I wasn’t sure if the strategy I had laid out to my men earlier in the day was the right strategy.  Normally, I don’t second-guess myself, but somehow in my gut I felt something wasn’t right.  In fact, something was terribly wrong, and I didn’t want my loyal soldiers going into battle with an inferior plan.

“I asked an aide to bring me my ‘secret weapon’ whom I would call upon from time to time to give me his ‘sense’ of whether or not my tactics were to pan out OK.  I admit I smiled a bit when I explained my second thoughts on ‘my’ own decision as he had always accused me of demeaning everyone else’s decision-making ability.

“But my men’s lives were at stake and I was destined to go to hell if I didn’t do everything possible to minimize their losses.”

To the surprise of the officers who reported to him the next morning, Patton did change his battle plan moments before the conflict began.  Subsequently, the enemy was taken by surprise, outmaneuvered and eventually overwhelmed by Patton’s tanks.

Patton explained that he believed in forces that “we could neither see, nor explain, nor understand.  But nevertheless they are present.  And should we not heed their wisdom and powers, we will be doomed to fail.”

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

“Her four year old had somehow disappeared and she couldn’t find him.”

I was ten or eleven at the time, and something happened that day that I will never forget.

I was with my friend Les walking to a local park for a pick up game of basketball when a woman rushed out of a nearby apartment building.  She was frantic and running here and there, all the while yelling, “Jimmy, Jimmy, where are you?”

We stopped and looked around, hoping we’d see the person she was looking for.  We went over to her and asked what was wrong and she said her four year old had somehow disappeared and she couldn’t find him.

At first we walked up and down the street looking in doorways, doing everything we could to find her little boy.  But then Les said he thought he knew where Jimmy was hiding.

He went over to the woman who was beside herself with fear and Les asked her if she had a friend in the building who Jimmy knew.  When the woman nodded, Les said with an air of certainty, that’s where he is, I’m sure.

The woman looked at him and rushed inside.  A few minutes later she came out of the building holding her son in her arms.  She rushed up to Les and gave him a big kiss on the cheek and asked how he knew.

Les shrugged and said he didn’t know why but he could see in his mind where her little boy was.

Les and I are still in touch after all these years.  He is a financial advisor and says his telepathic instincts help him understand his clients better as well as helping him predict the trends of the marketplace.

G. Stillwater
Norfolk, VA

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

“I didn’t think he’d make it past Thanksgiving.”

This is a story about my old roommate, Butch.

When I went off to college I didn’t know anyone and was a little dismayed to learn my dorm roommate was the complete opposite of me in every way possible.

I’m from the big city, Chicago.  He was from a small town in central Illinois.  He was a big fellow, a jock.  I was short and not particularly athletic.  He had a drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend back in his hometown; I couldn’t get girls to look at me if my life depended on it.

At first, I didn’t like him.  He seemed a bit oafish, not particularly bright, and he wasn’t doing well in class.  In fact, I didn’t think he’d make it past Thanksgiving, and I’m embarrassed to say that I was kind of hoping he’d drop out so I could get a roommate with whom I’d have something in common.

That all changed the night he came home drunk as a skunk.  Frankly, I thought this was the last straw because I was studying for an important test and I could smell the liquor from across the room.

But as with many things, life can sure be a surprise.  Maybe because when I looked at him sprawled out on his bunk, almost helpless, he was a sad sight indeed.  But maybe because for the first time we opened up to each other.

He told me of his hopes, his dreams, his fears.  And he told me how he admired me because he knew I was going to go far, be a success, and in the long run lead a happy life.  And I confessed that I was jealous of him, with his good looks, his imposing presence, his beautiful girlfriend.

We laughed and bonded that night.

Well, Butch unfortunately died a premature death.  He had gone into his father’s construction business, had done quite well, but had suffered a freak injury on a construction site.

And although we hadn’t been in touch for the eight years since our roommate days, his image popped into mind late one afternoon when I was walking the dog.  And I knew something tragic had happened to him.  I knew it.

When I got back in the house I Googled his name and found out where he was living.  I called information, got his phone number and called him.  His wife answered and although I had never spoken to her before, I could tell by the quiver in her voice, something bad had happened.  She said she had just returned from Butch’s funeral an hour earlier.

I explained who I was and she said Butch often talked about me, that he had never forgotten the type of person I was and how he wished he were more like me.  I told her of the time we spoke that night when we both opened up to each other.  She thanked me and I told her how sorry I was.

F. Tennison
Highland Park, IL

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Thursday, February 05th, 2009

“If that isn’t telepathy or ESP or just plain eerie, I don’t know what is.”

I have to tell you what happened to me last week.  I’ve been telling all my friends, and some of them are skeptical.  But everything I am about to say is true.

I was driving in my car when an uncontrollable urge came over me.

It was as if I had been invaded by another being.  I suddenly felt the need to contact an old high school friend.  His name is Bernie and I hadn’t seen him in over fifteen years.  In fact, I hadn’t even thought about him during most of that time.

Bernie and I were merely acquaintances in a high school club we used to belong to.  We were never really close, never hung out together.  We knew each other primarily because we had mutual friends in the club.

But this day I had the strongest feeling I should contact him.  I didn’t know why, but I knew it was important to call him.  Problem was, I didn’t have the slightest idea of where he was or how to get a hold of him.

The only thing I could think of was to call an old friend who always seemed to know where everyone was.  And this was the amazing surprise that I’m about to tell you about.  Her name is Sally and when I called her, the first words out of her mouth were, “Have you heard from Bernie?”

I was speechless, truly speechless.  Sally asked if I was OK, and I told her the reason I had called.  She went on to say that Bernie wanted to organize a reunion of our old gang and he had called her the previous day asking for my phone number.

If that isn’t telepathy or ESP or just plain eerie, I don’t know what is.

Well, Bernie and I did speak on the phone and it was nice to hear his voice and learn what he had been up to all these years.  He went on to tell me that he has had these telepathic experiences before, but this was the first time someone else he was thinking about had picked up on his thoughts.

M. Postner
Bismarck, ND

Thursday, January 29th, 2009

“I could feel his presence when I needed him.”

My uncle died a few months ago.

Uncle Harry was like a father to me.  My dad had left my mother when I was only a child and although I didn’t see Uncle Harry a lot (he lived about one hundred miles away), when he did drop by there was a special connection between us.

Even as a small child, I felt the tight bond between us, especially when we hadn’t seen each other for a while.  For instance, I could feel his presence when I needed him, when I was especially vulnerable.

Once, when I was surrounded by some kids who were teasing me on the schoolyard I could tell Uncle Harry knew I needed help.  I could hear him telling me to stand tall and not be afraid.

In fact, that night Uncle Harry called and asked how I was doing.  When I got on the phone, he said he knew something had happened that day and wanted to hear about it.

I’m twenty-four now and when Uncle Harry took ill about a year ago, I immediately called him.  He said he wasn’t surprised I knew something was wrong even though he had told no one about his illness.

When I went to see him, he confessed he knew we had something special the moment he saw me as an infant.  Somehow we had bonded right away and we were on the same wavelength.

One more thing:  the night Uncle Harry died, I heard him say goodbye to me even though we weren’t even in the same vicinity.  His private nurse called me to tell me of his passing and as she started to tell me his final words, I blurted them out before she had a chance to say anything.

She said that’s exactly what he said.

M. Rushanti
Topeka, KS

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