Archive for » 2009 «

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

“He’s standing there at the end of my bed, but he isn’t saying anything.”

When our beloved neighbor, Henry, and his son, Allen, were in a tragic automobile accident our entire neighborhood was devastated.

We are a close-knit community, have street fairs, barbecues, etc. and have made numerous friends over the years.  Henry died that day and his son was left in a coma for two weeks.  The doctors feared Allen would never wake up.

My husband and I would visit him just about every day, and while we were taking a break in the lounge, one of the nurses came rushing in and said come with me.  She led us into Allen’s room and we were astonished to see him awake.  His eyes were open and he was trying to speak but nothing was coming out.

The nurse gave him a sip of water, and he started to make audible sounds.  Then he looked at my husband and said, “Is my father OK?”

We didn’t know what to say.  Again he said, “Is my father OK?”

My husband looked at me and said, “Yes, he’s OK.”  Then Allen looked a bit puzzled and said, “Why isn’t he answering me?”  I asked what do you mean.  And he said, “He’s standing there at the end of my bed, but he isn’t saying anything.”

We looked but couldn’t see anything.  My husband sighed and took Allen’s hand.  “Allen,” he said, “I’m afraid your dad didn’t make it.”  Allen nodded but said nothing.

Well, Allen recovered.  It took a long time, but he made it.  His mother said he never mentioned it again that he saw his dead father at his bedside.

J. Cantor
Minneapolis, MN

Category: Ghosts & Apparitions  | Tags:  | Leave a Comment
Thursday, January 15th, 2009

“It was as if she was channeling him wherever he was.”

I noticed something strange with Annie, our dog.

Normally, around five-thirty in the evening, she starts to walk in a sprightly manner, her tail will wag and she’ll have more energy.  Despite being pretty old (she’s twelve), she still gets excited when my husband, Bill, returns from work.

But this evening Annie appeared sullen.  I didn’t know why until the phone rang.  It was Bill and thank heaven nothing was seriously wrong, but he had been delayed on the way home by a horrendous traffic jam and he said it would be another hour before he’d walk in he door.

Somehow Annie knew it.

When she was just a puppy, she could pick up on Bill’s mood even when he wasn’t home.  It was as if she were channeling him wherever he was.  On the day he was given an unexpected promotion at work, Annie was all over the house with excitement.  In fact, she was so excited she had at least two “accidents” inside the house, and that was highly unusual for her.

Another interesting incident was the time Bill and I were taking a riding lesson at the stable.  My sister was waiting at the barn, and when we returned she commented on how Annie suddenly awoke from her sleep and started pulling on the leash and barking.

When I asked about what time that happened, I wasn’t the least bit surprised to learn it was the exact time we had turned the horses around and headed back to the barn.

C. Matthews
Houston, TX

Category: Psychic Ability  | Tags:  | Leave a Comment
Thursday, January 08th, 2009

“If I hadn’t seen it I wouldn’t have believed it.”

I am fifteen and a friend of mine said you publish true psychic stories if they meet two criteria:  they’re true and they’re interesting.

Here’s my story.  It’s true.  You can be the judge if it’s interesting or not.

My first and last boyfriend, Jeremy (not his real name as to not embarrass him), and I used to go down to the lake and hang out.  He is very shy and it took quite a while for him to even put his arm around my shoulders.

But one afternoon, I kind of kept leaning against him and he really didn’t have a choice but to hold me.  I could tell he was a bit nervous about it and sensed that maybe he had never done that before, but I could also tell he liked it and was very excited.

Anyway, just as I thought things would start to get interesting, we noticed a duck that was hobbling along, trying to fly but not being able to get off the ground.  Then we realized it had a broken wing, and we knew it was a matter of time before some animal killed it.

At first we tried to approach it, but it kept running away from us, stumbling and hurting itself more.  The more we tried, the more afraid it got.

Then Jeremy said, let me try something.  He asked me to move further away from the bird, which I did.  Then he sat down and closed his eyes.  Well, the darndest thing happened.  That duck at first kept walking away and by now it was thirty or forty yards away.  But then it stopped, slowly turned and looked at Jeremy.

Then, and I still find it hard to believe, it walked back, all the way up to Jeremy and just about sat in his lap.

We were able to bring it to the local vet who was nice enough to treat the duck for free and not charge us anything.  And Jeremy explained that when he sat down he silently communicated with the duck and told it he meant no harm.

If I hadn’t seen it I wouldn’t have believed it.

J. Bridgeport
Madison, WI

Category: Psychic Ability, Telepathy  | Tags:  | Leave a Comment
Thursday, January 01st, 2009

“It wouldn’t have happened had I not picked up on his silent plea:  please stop.”

I shop in the same supermarket at least a few times each week.  For the last two years, I’ve passed by a gentleman who I know is single because of the things I see in his cart.  A woman can tell by what a man buys if he’s alone or not.  Of this I am sure.

I am by nature a shy person, but for so long I’ve wanted to approach him.  I can tell he’s a good man.  My instincts are rarely wrong, and I’ve heard him talk to the checkout people.  I knew he was intelligent, well bred and had a nice sense of humor.

A couple of weeks ago I decided to try something I’ve used in the past, and that is to try to connect with him with my mind.  I admit I augmented it by trying to catch his eye and by smiling at him – things I’ve done in the past, but to no avail.

But this time when I spotted him in the frozen foods section I decided to walk towards him with the thought in mind that I love him.  Yes, I said love him.

Well, I must have had a wonderful look on my face because his face beamed and he smiled broadly at me.  He said hello as I walked  by.  I nodded and kept walking (remember, I’m shy), but then I heard a voice in my head say please stop.

I turned and said, “what?”  He kind of looked odd and I said did you just say please stop?  He replied that he hadn’t said it aloud but had thought it – those exact words!

We both laughed and at last the barrier between us was shattered.

We’ve gone out for coffee and dinner a few times since that day, and I have a hunch it will lead somewhere.  But it wouldn’t have happened had I not picked up on his silent plea:  please stop.

S. Gibbons
Oklahoma City, OK