Thursday, January 01st, 2009

“It wouldn’t have happened had I not picked up on his silent plea:  please stop.”

I shop in the same supermarket at least a few times each week.  For the last two years, I’ve passed by a gentleman who I know is single because of the things I see in his cart.  A woman can tell by what a man buys if he’s alone or not.  Of this I am sure.

I am by nature a shy person, but for so long I’ve wanted to approach him.  I can tell he’s a good man.  My instincts are rarely wrong, and I’ve heard him talk to the checkout people.  I knew he was intelligent, well bred and had a nice sense of humor.

A couple of weeks ago I decided to try something I’ve used in the past, and that is to try to connect with him with my mind.  I admit I augmented it by trying to catch his eye and by smiling at him – things I’ve done in the past, but to no avail.

But this time when I spotted him in the frozen foods section I decided to walk towards him with the thought in mind that I love him.  Yes, I said love him.

Well, I must have had a wonderful look on my face because his face beamed and he smiled broadly at me.  He said hello as I walked  by.  I nodded and kept walking (remember, I’m shy), but then I heard a voice in my head say please stop.

I turned and said, “what?”  He kind of looked odd and I said did you just say please stop?  He replied that he hadn’t said it aloud but had thought it – those exact words!

We both laughed and at last the barrier between us was shattered.

We’ve gone out for coffee and dinner a few times since that day, and I have a hunch it will lead somewhere.  But it wouldn’t have happened had I not picked up on his silent plea:  please stop.

S. Gibbons
Oklahoma City, OK

Thursday, December 25th, 2008

“He ‘had a feeling’ that something bad was happening out here.

Randy is an old friend of mine, and she has always enjoyed using her psychic powers in a humorous way.  But recently she told me a story that was harrowing, and her unique talent may have saved her life.

She was on vacation driving alone late at night on an isolated road in the countryside when her rental car started acting up.  She said the motor started jerking and sputtering, then finally conked out.

It was getting dark and her cell phone couldn’t get a connection.  Scared to death, she just sat there not knowing what to do.

Only one car had come alone, and seeing that she was stranded, had pulled alongside her.  She said it was occupied by some thugs who made remarks she’d rather not mention.  They didn’t offer to help and they were definitely trying to scare her.

As they drove off, she heard one of them mention that they intended to return later on to “have some fun.”

Randy was beside herself and she said all she could think of was to pray and concentrate on being saved by another passerby.  But no one came along.

Then to her horror she heard movement in the bushes alongside the car.  She looked up and it was three of the men who had stopped by earlier.  She said by the look on their faces, they were intent on doing something terrible.

One of them tried opening the door.  Finding it locked, he kept pulling on it, then laughed and said if she didn’t open it, they were going to smash the window.

Just as she had given up all hope, a light flashed from a distance.  As it got closer, the men ran off, jumped in their car and sped away.  The light turned out to be a local sheriff who told Randy that he “had a feeling” that something bad was happening out here.  And on a hunch, he decided to check things out.

Randy believes that somehow the sheriff had picked up on her mental distress signals and it could have saved her life.

N. Offerstein
Birmingham, AL

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Thursday, December 18th, 2008

“Aware that Albert had psychic capabilities, she turned the room over to her aide and went to the principal’s office.”

My ex-girlfriend, Mona, is an elementary school teacher, and she relayed a story once about one of her third grade boys who had advanced capabilities of ESP.

His name was Albert, and he was a chubby kid who didn’t do well in sports but had a knack for knowing in advance what a person was going to say.  Mona would have to reprimand him from time to time because he would often just blurt out things without asking permission to speak.

One day he kept shouting out that the wall was hot, the wall was hot.  When Mona would ask what he was saying, Albert would simply shrug and say nothing.  About the third or fourth time he yelled it out, Mona, aware that Albert did have psychic capabilities, turned the room over to her aide and went to the principal’s office.

She said that although she was embarrassed to report the incident, she felt that since the building was full of kids, she didn’t want to take any chances.

Fortunately, the principal asked a maintenance worker to check out the building and sure enough, the furnace had malfunctioned, causing a nearby wall to overheat.  The building was evacuated and the firemen rushed over within minutes.

Albert had indeed saved a potentially dangerous and costly fire.

Mona said Albert would sometimes start an assignment before she gave it to the class.  And he would often interrupt her in mid-sentence and finish the sentence for her, even if he had little knowledge of the subject.

Albert is now in the sixth grade, and although he has learned to not interrupt as much, his current teacher has told Mona how she is in awe of his psychic powers.

D. Bolinsky
Eugene, OR

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Thursday, December 11th, 2008

“I didn’t know why she was upset because I had forgotten about her prediction.”

A close friend of mine had an uncanny knack for fixing up people who ended up getting married.

Her name was Julie, and the surprising thing is she never married herself.  After all, she was quite pleasant looking and had a nice figure.

Julie, in fact, fixed me up several years ago with someone I knew but didn’t particularly care for.  Mitch was always kidding, was a bit louder than I care for someone to be, and to be frank, he never gave me the time of day.

He was part of a group I’d hang out with and somehow we didn’t seem to hit it off.

That’s why I was surprised when Julie suggested she’d arrange to have the two of us over for dinner.  She said she knew in her heart that we misunderstood each other and if we’d let our defenses down, we’d be a sure match.

She, of course was correct, and Mitch and I have been married for five years.  We have one child and one on the way.  The sad thing is several years ago Julie told me she wasn’t destined to live long and she even predicted the year in which she’d pass away.

In November 2007, my good friend Julie died in a tragic accident in her workplace.

I had spoken to her only days earlier and she seemed nervous and upset.  I didn’t know why because I had forgotten about her prediction.  But a few weeks after her funeral, I happened to pick up an old journal of mine and realized her death occurred not only in the year she predicted, but the month as well.

W. Drummond
Liverpool, England

Thursday, December 04th, 2008

“Olga has powerful psychic abilities that been so beneficial to my firm all these years.”

This is a true story about a person I hired over fourteen years ago as a clerk who rose to become operating manager of my company.

Her name is Olga and she is from Sweden.  She first came to the U.S. speaking very little English but learned the language quickly.  It was apparent to me from the beginning that she had great potential.

She moved rapidly up the organization and it was fascinating to watch her interact with the other employees as she not only has a great work ethic but has what she calls “supernatural” powers.

Olga truly has ESP and can pick up on many problems within the office even when she isn’t there.  For instance, she once called when she was on vacation hundreds of miles away.  She asked me if there was some hanky-panky going on with the postage meter.

Well, that very morning I had discovered one of the new women in the office was bringing in several pieces of her own personal mail and running it through our meter.  Olga surely had picked up on our predicament.

Another time she sensed that one of our workers was stealing supplies from the back room.  She stopped the man one evening, ordered him to open his brief case, and sure enough, there were several expensive items that he had been stealing.

During meetings with Olga over the years, there were countless times when she would ask about things that would be occurring in my life that I had never mentioned to her.  Her psychic powers never ceased to amaze me.

K. Brand
New Orleans, LA

Thursday, November 27th, 2008

“I said please tell me what’s wrong.”

I was in San Francisco visiting my brother when I had a most unusual experience.

I was driving over the Golden Gate Bridge when an overwhelming thought came over me.  I felt I had to call my husband back home in Iowa.  I didn’t know why, but I had this feeling in my gut that something was wrong and needed my attention.

We have a farm and love to work the fields.  The land has been in my husband’s family for three generations and neither one of us could ever live anywhere else.  Our kids are grown and living elsewhere, but we’re never going to leave.

I reached for my cell phone but I couldn’t get reception; also, it appeared the battery was low.  I was getting a bit frantic because traffic was moving very, very slow and I knew I had to get in touch with Lawrence, and quick.

Maybe a half hour passed when finally I could get reception.  I dialed home and could barely hear what Lawrence was saying.  He was asking where I was because he had been trying to reach me.  I said please tell me what’s wrong.

He said my mother had suffered a setback (she is old and frail) and for me to call her as soon as possible.  When I asked what time it occurred, he told me, and I wasn’t the least bit taken aback when I learned it was the same moment my mother had taken ill.

My mother and I have drawn closer as the years have gone by.  She wasn’t a particularly warm person and, frankly, was a so-so mother, but as time passed we grew to love each other.  Now I feel as if we’re soul mates and I can feel her hurt from time to time.

This was definitely one of those times.

V. Wolford
Nashville, TN

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