Thursday, November 20th, 2008

“Not only did we get a very talented drummer, we also retained the free services of a soothsayer.”

My son Nathan is in a new band and I must admit they’re pretty talented.  This is a story about their recent experience in hiring a drummer.

The drummer they had previously was very talented but he was forced to leave the band before their first gig when his parents pressured him into returning to college to finish his degree.

They had auditioned several people before Harland walked into the room.  The studio where they practiced was actually a converted garage beneath their rented home on the outskirts here in Cincinnati.

Here’s what Nathan told me:  “One afternoon while the guys and I were rehearsing, we heard a knock on the door, and in walks Harland, about six feet four, very thin, with rumpled clothes and flip-flops.

“Without saying much except to tell us his name, he casually walked over to the drum set, picked up the sticks and said ‘OK, you play, I’ll follow.’  We kind of looked at each other and then said to him, look, we’d like to talk to you, get to know you a bit, tell you what kind of music we like to play and what we’re looking for in a drummer.

“He just shook his head and said, ‘Hey, man, just play something, I’ll figure it out.’  Well, we started to play and he fit in like a glove from the first note.  He knew more about our style than we knew about our style.  We couldn’t believe it.

“He said he could tell the moment we opened the door exactly who we were, what we liked, and how we played.  There was no way he could have heard us before because we were a brand new band.

“Harland then told us things about our parents, prior experiences, etc. that were right on the money.  We were flabbergasted.  There was no way he could have learned these facts beforehand.  So not only did we get a very talented drummer, we also retained the free services of a soothsayer.”

B. Hamilton
Cincinnati, OH

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Thursday, November 13th, 2008

“She had the eyes of someone ancient, someone whose experience had implanted both knowledge and sadness.”

I own a small temp agency and have being doing this for over twenty years.  Last week I had an experience I will never forget.  And one thing is very clear:  I will never be able to understand or explain what happened.

Her name is Marge and she walked in the door unannounced and without an appointment.

Marge is about forty years old, about 5’4″ tall, slightly stocky but with a very appealing presence.  She explained she had just moved to California from back East, and she was just settling in to her new life with her longtime boyfriend.

Marge sat down before I had a chance to tell her she needed an appointment, and I immediately had the impression that she was different.  Different in the sense that the look in her eyes was unlike anything I had ever seen.

It was a kind of “all-knowing” look.  She had the eyes of someone ancient, someone whose experience had implanted both knowledge and sadness.  And when she began to talk I was absolutely mesmerized by what she had to say.

She told me fascinating stories about her childhood.  Her father had been a missionary in Africa and was killed by a raiding party in Kenya when she was only a child.  She was then raised by an aunt because her mother never recovered from the violent death of her husband.

And her tales of her life with her aunt was fascinating because she explained that her aunt had remarkable powers of ESP and that many of these powers had been “transferred” to her.  By this she meant that she, too, could read minds and know exactly what someone was thinking.

Actually, when she told me this I was wondering what my wife’s reaction would be when I told her what I was now hearing.  To my surprise, Marge blurted out:  “She will think I’m crazy.”

I said, “What did you say?”  Marge replied: “Your wife will think I’m a nut.”  Well, that left me with no doubt whatsoever that Marge does, indeed, have the gift of ESP.

She went on to tell me other things that crossed my mind during our conversation, such as guessing correctly the names of two of my three kids’ names.  And something about my childhood that was very personal – which I don’t care to reveal to anyone else, not even my wife.

I’ve never had an experience like this before.

Two days ago, I was able to place Marge on a work assignment and I have very high aspirations for her.  She is an exceptional person.

C. Torres
Chico, CA

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Thursday, November 06th, 2008

“A feeling came over me that I was standing next to a giant, a giant that would not be defeated.”

I want to relay an incident that happened to myself and a good friend of mine.

We were taking a stroll in a park near my home here in Tampa.  It was a dark night and drizzling, so very few people were out.  Suddenly, out from the bushes jumped two young men.  I knew we were in for some serious trouble, and I was scared out of my wits.

My friend, Stan, however, whispered to me that he would do all the talking and cautioned me not to make any quick moves.

I did as he said because Stan was the type who could take care of himself.  Although he was in his mid-fifties, Stan had boxed while in the navy.  However, that was a long, long time ago and I wondered what Stan had in mind.

The two men approached us.  They were both over six feet tall and had an arrogant attitude.  And they had smirks on their faces.  I was really frightened.

They made no bones about what they wanted and held out their hands without saying a word.  They were asking us for money, but as I started to reach for my wallet, Stan grabbed my arm without saying anything.  Then he pointed at them.  I mean he thrust out his arm and just stood their pointing, his finger only inches away from one of the men’s eyes.

The man tried to slap Stan’s hand away from his face, but Stan’s arm didn’t budge.  I could see the smirks on their faces disappear, and I was amazed to see fear in their eyes.  Somehow Stan was overpowering them with his mind.

The two men seemed to hesitate for a moment or two.  It was eerily silent, but Stan’s gaze seemed to penetrate them, and slowly, very slowly, they started to retreat.

Afterwards, Stan explained that he learned in the Navy that if he convinced himself that he was all-powerful, he could convey that attitude to others, and in the past it had kept him out of several confrontations.

I know one thing for sure and that is during the attempted hold-up a feeling came over me that I was standing next to a giant, a giant that would not be defeated.  It was an incredible incident and I will never forget it.

B. Waine
Tampa, FL

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Thursday, October 30th, 2008

“I’ve had psychic communications with animals previously but never quite like this.”

President Theodore Roosevelt was an avid hunter, and he once related a heart-breaking story regarding a wounded deer.

“I missed badly and only hit part of his leg,” said the famous sportsman.  “I could see the look of agony in its face and as it started to turn and hobble away, it suddenly stopped and stared – at me.  I was a hundred yards or so away but we made instant eye contact.

“It was at that moment that we communicated to each other.  I said I was sorry, but it just stood there and stared.  It was no different than if I were having a conversation with a human being I had done wrong.”

The deer slowly limped back into the woods and Roosevelt never forgot the incident.

“I’ve had psychic communications with animals previously but never quite like this.  It was as if he was asking me why I did it.  The amazing thing about it was that I was so far away and how could the deer have possibly known I was responsible for his injury?

“I have no doubt that that animal which I’m sure went on to have a slow, agonizing death, thought about me when he passed on.  I shall forever regret the incident and wish I had never encountered that deer.”

Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

“It is unnerving knowing she can see what I am envisioning.”

I work for an advertising agency as a copywriter and I want to relay my experiences with a graphics artist that never fail to astonish me.

Her name is Angel, and she is truly an angel.

The way we work it here in the office is I’m given an assignment, usually a product for which to create an ad.  I’ll write the copy than arrange a meeting with Angel so she can do the artwork.

Our mission is to create an ad or ads that people will be drawn to and remember.  When I first sit down with Angel, I am usually geared up to present her with my ideas, but most of the time she simply picks up on my thoughts and starts sketching ideas that I have in my mind.

I don’t know how she does it, but time after time she usually hits it on the mark.  She has the ability to climb inside my head, and it’s both fascinating and unnerving.

One minor problem is she is quite beautiful and sexy, but we stay careful not to get personal as our company has strict policies about “extra-curricular” activities.  The problem, of course, is sometimes I can’t take my eyes off her and she knows exactly what I’m thinking.  I mean to the last detail, if you know what I mean.

It has happened more than once when I have a vision of the two of us in a compromising position, and she has whispered in my ear, “Nice thought but forget it buster.”

Fortunately she has a good sense of humor, but it is unnerving knowing she can see what I am envisioning.  It helps in creating an advertising campaign but embarrassing when I’m thinking of “other” things.

B. Andrews
White Plains, NY

Thursday, October 16th, 2008

“It was the strangest thing that’s ever happened to me.”

A little over a month ago, I was walking down the street here in Toronto and heard a loud crash.

Right in front of my eyes, a SUV had suddenly cut over two lanes and crashed into the rear end of a smaller car.  To my amazement, the driver of the SUV backed up, pulled around the damaged car and sped off.

I wasn’t close enough to catch the number of the license plate and felt helpless that the driver was getting away.  After checking to see if the driver of the other car was OK, I told him that I could still see the moment of impact very clearly in my mind.

Then I realized it was as if it were a still photograph.  And what’s more, it was so clear that “now” I could make out the license plate number.  The amazing thing is when the SUV drove off I couldn’t see the number, but now I could actually see it in my mind.

I wrote down the number and gave it to him.  He called me a few days later and said that the police found the driver and verified from the dents in his vehicle that it was the person who ran into him.

It was the strangest thing that’s ever happened to me.

When I was in school, I used to envy those rare people who had a photographic memory, but unfortunately I wasn’t one of them.  Now I can understand what an amazing gift it can be.  What I don’t understand is why it happened to me that one time.

I only know I’m thankful it did happen.

T. Frabinna
Toronto, Canada