Thursday, October 09th, 2008

“She was in love and I didn’t want to spoil it.”

I was visiting my friend, Janice, in Chicago last week and had a very unusual experience.

She and I were roommates when we attended Northwestern University several years ago and we’ve remained in touch ever since.

Janice was living with Mark her boyfriend, and he and I seemed to bump heads the moment we met.  There was something amiss with him but I couldn’t put my finger on it.  Although he smiled and seemed pleasant enough when we first met, I was suspicious of him but didn’t know why.

And I didn’t want to mention it to Janice.  She was in love and I didn’t want to spoil it.

Then I learned he kept borrowing money from her, promising that he was using it to start a new business.  Somehow it didn’t add up because when I would ask him about it he would be purposely evasive.  I was positive he was taking her for a ride but couldn’t prove it; worse of all, I had to bite my tongue for fear of antagonizing Janice who thought the world of him.

The last day of my visit I awoke with a vision of Mark spending the day at the racetrack.  I don’t know why I had it, but somehow it made sense to me.  Mark was using the money he was taking from my friend, and blowing it at the track.

I had a late flight out that day, so I decided to take a chance and drive out to the racetrack that afternoon.  And sure enough, there he was.  I took several pictures of him with my cell phone camera, and when I showed them to Janice she nearly passed out.

Fortunately, their relationship has ended, mostly due to my hunch that day.  From time to time I do have visions that I can’t explain.  And usually they are helpful to me.  In this case, I helped a good friend of mine and she says she’ll never forget it.

J. Saransky
Peoria, IL

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Thursday, October 02nd, 2008

“I think he unnerves most people as he appears to see right through them.”

My cousin Matt (not his real name because I don’t want to embarrass him) is the most amazing psychic I’ve ever known or even read about.

When we were young, he would play tricks on us because he’d always be one step ahead.  We assumed he was simply smarter than us, but as we got older we realized he had special gifts that made him very, very special – not necessarily smarter, but special.

For instance, when we were ten or eleven, he would do things like predicting where our family would take a vacation even before my folks were even thinking about it.  He once told us a friend of ours, Joel, was going to be in a accident, and sure enough, Joel fell off his bicycle the next week and fractured his arm.

As an adult, Matt has floundered a bit.  He has moved from job to job, maybe because he has a hyper personality.  But he always seems to have enough money because he plays poker at least twice a week.  He says – and I have no doubt it’s true – that he “knows” who has a good hand just by looking in a person’s eyes.  His psychic abilities have grown, he says, and his predictions come true more often than not.

Unfortunately, Matt is still single and doesn’t seem to hit it off with the women.  I think he unnerves most people, as he appears to see right through them, knowing their innermost thoughts.

I love him and still think he’s special.

M. Castinoff
Dearborn, MI

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

“I think she’s kind of proud of my ‘gifts.'”

Ever since I was a youngster, I have had this thing about watches, clocks and any kind of timepiece.

I suppose I’m fascinated by time and that’s why I’m writing you.  Wherever I am, whatever I’m doing, I can guess what time it is almost to the exact minute.  It’s a trait I’ve had since I was a kid, and I’ve never met anyone else who had the same ability.

Also, I’ve never owned a watch.  Even when I was in college I never bothered to have one because I knew exactly when I was due in class.  I didn’t need a watch to remind me.

I also am quite adept at reading minds.  My mother still gets mildly upset with me because I can’t resist finishing her sentences for her.  I also tell her what’s on her mind even when we first get on the phone.

Last week as soon as I heard her voice I told her that she was upset with a specific person.  She is so used to me doing this, she just laughed.

She and I are on the same wavelength I suppose, although she can’t read my mind.  That’s the frustrating part of it for her.  But she does have a good sense of humor and I think she’s kind of proud of my “gifts.”

And one more thing.  Several years ago, my roommate was distressed because she hadn’t heard from her brother in quite awhile.  Without my ever meeting him, I knew exactly what the problem was.  He had lost his job and was embarrassed to tell her about it.  When she called him that is exactly what he told her.  Somehow I had picked up on his wavelength through my association with his sister.

H. Jacobson
Akron, OH

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Thursday, September 18th, 2008

“Somehow she had taken a wrong turn and was pretty frightened.”

My husband and I like to travel.  Luke retired a few years ago and we’ve been leading the life of leisure ever since.

What unnerves him, however, is how perceptive I am when it comes to visiting new places.  What I mean is, we’ll get off the train or plane in an area we’ve never visited previously, and I’ll have an immediate sense of where we are.

For example, we’ll be in a taxi going to the hotel and I’ll start pointing in various directions telling him where certain historic sites are without even looking at a map.  Of course, if I wanted to I could have checked out the sites beforehand on a map, but somehow I instinctively know where things are.

It doesn’t happen all the time, and it never happens when I try too hard.  But when I’m relaxed and not thinking about it, I’ll suddenly blurt out that we’re only a block or two away from a specific place.  And when I do that, I’m rarely wrong.

I also have ESP abilities with my oldest daughter.  It doesn’t matter where she is; in fact she can be hundreds of miles away, but if she stubs her toe or has indigestion I can often feel it at the same time.

Once, when she was a child, she had lost her way home from school.  Somehow she had taken a wrong turn and was pretty frightened.

I picked up on her anxiety, and without being told anything was wrong, I went out to look for her and took all the correct turns to find her.  There she was, sitting on a doorstep crying just as I had envisioned.

M. McMartin
Bolder Springs, CO

Thursday, September 11th, 2008

“I was very, very afraid.”

When my son, Phillip, decided to work in France for a year, I was happy for him.  Little did I know what was about to occur.

At first everything went well.  He got along fine with his new coworkers, and he enjoyed traveling about the countryside, taking in the culture, the people.  But his letters started to have an edge to them and I knew something was bothering him.

When we would speak on the phone, it appeared he was hesitant and unsure of himself, and although I would kind of probe to find out if something was wrong, he said everything was fine.

Then one day I received a call from his supervisor and was told Phillip hadn’t been in for the last week and he wasn’t answering his phone.  I was shocked because Phillip would never do something like that.  He was conscientious and very responsible.  I was very, very afraid.

After several more days of not hearing from him, I was beside myself.  Then I had the strangest premonition.  I had a vision of Phillip sitting alone in a room, deeply depressed.

I didn’t know what else to do and I hesitated to call his supervisor for fear that would cost Phillip his job.  But I didn’t know anyone else, so I made the call.

Well, the man was very nice and he went over to my son’s apartment, and sure enough, he found Phillip to be in a very bad, depressed state.

Phillip returned home shortly thereafter and I’m happy to report that he’s making good progress.  He’s not completely healed yet, but he’s home and in good hands.  I’ve had premonitions in the past and have learned to trust them.

C. Caroletti
Springfield, IL

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Thursday, September 04th, 2008

“Within seven to eight weeks, the poor woman was dead.”

I want to relay an incident that occurred while I was in the hospital a few months ago.

The patient next to me was a young woman and she seemed to be in decent health.  Her doctor had requested she come in for a full checkup because she had an ongoing infection that wasn’t going away.

I had a strange feeling the moment I laid eyes on her and I feared for her life.  She was the mother of two adorable young children and she had so much to live for.

Somehow, when I was talking to her I felt I was talking to a dead woman.  It was weird and I felt terrible about it.

I happened to be in the room when her doctor came in to tell her about the results from a battery of tests they had given her the day before.  By the look in the doctor’s eyes, I knew what was coming.

To make a long story short, within seven to eight weeks, the poor woman was dead.

I’ve had similar incidents (not many) where I could look into someone’s eyes and predict oncoming doom.  Back in college, I was casual acquaintances with this fellow, a real nice guy, and in my heart I felt there was an aura of tragedy about him.

Well, nothing happened to him while we were at school, but a year and a half later I learned he was killed in a motorcycle accident.

When I was just a kid, my mother told me how I had blurted out to my aunt Clara that she was going to die.  I was spanked for that episode, but a year later my poor aunt died of cancer, something that hadn’t been detected until shortly before her death.

I wish I didn’t have this ability of premonitions of death, but I’ll live with it.

V. Wentworth
Saratoga, FL

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